There was a time when I wasn't huge on leftovers. I must have been living in the lap of luxury back then, thinking I didn't have to use every bit of what was in my fridge!
Now I have to use up everything...stretch it into! It's tricky sometimes, but I was pretty pleased how this next idea turned out. It was a huge hit with Homey and Mr. B also! It's not gourmet, it's not even an actual "recipe". It's just an idea. And actually, it took away a craving for a restaurant buffalo chicken sandwich! (Another part of when I was living in the lap of luxury...I would just run around the corner and spend $8.99 for a chicken sandwich from a restaurant. Lunacy! Now we just figure out to make make it ourselves!) Here we go...make's delicious.
Get out your Publix fried chicken, and take it off the bone.
Add bleu cheese dressing.
(For those of you repulsed, disillusioned, or confused by bleu cheese, just use ranch. But don't be hatin' the bleu cheese, people!)
Add hot sauce:
Put the chicken mixture on your bread of choice. Use whatever bread you have on hand...This is a really handy way to get rid of the extra hot dog buns before they go bad, though.
Top with provolone cheese.
Throw those bad boys in the oven (either on broil or just preheated to 350...we're just looking to melt the cheese and warm up the chicken a little).
Mmm, delicious and melty!
Add some lettuce and tomato, serve with tater tots! Or whatever else you need to use up. It's all about using whatcha got!
More than coupons and tracking sales, I find I can keep my grocery bill manageable by meal planning and getting creative with leftovers. I have more ways to turn leftovers into one more exciting meal! I'll try to share one idea each week!
Your so darn creative!